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A Parents' Guide to Helping a Child Move Out


It's hard for any parent to see their children move out from their home, but helping your children move out can be a very rewarding experience too. If the time has come to finally let your children go, whether off to college or after they just got married, here are some things you can do to prepare your child for a new chapter they are about to embark on.
Make sure that their destination is safe.
You child might be too young to be aware of crime rates, fire hazards and even having to walk to flights of stairs with their groceries or laundries. Let them know about these details so they can make a good decision.
Spend a lot of time helping your child plan their move.
You don't have to take charge of the planning and packing, what they need is your guidance and support. The least you can do is help them prepare the items that you think they might overlook such as linens, towels, dishes and a hamper.
Let them know you are always there.
Even though they are likely to feel excited about their new found freedom and independence, there is still some anxiety about it. They are leaving the things they are familiar and comfortable with. Do what you can to let them know you are there but explain to them they have to be in charge of themselves now.
When dropping off a child at the school or apartment, only stay as long as takes to get them settled and unpacked. Let them do what they have to. Your child will need time to meet new people, adjust with the place and attend some orientations and other scheduled activities. 


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